Zimbabwe's first lady Grace Mugabe smiles and laughs as she makes her first public appearance since fleeing Soith Africa under diplomatic immunity for 'beating model with extension cable

Grace Mugabe was today pictured visiting stands at the annual Agricultural Show in Harare, Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe's first lady, Grace Mugabe, has made her first public appearance since leaving South Africa, where she has been charged with assault.

The 52-year-old wife of Robert Mugabe, 93, a potential successor to the president, was granted diplomatic immunity and left South Africa on Sunday.

She was accused of attacking model Gabriella Engels, 20, who needed 14 stitches and said she feared the dictator's wife was going to kill her.

It came just days after she was granted diplomatic immunity in South Africa over an alleged attack on a 20-year-old model

Engels accused Mrs Mugabe of whipping her with an electric extension cable as she waited with two friends in a luxury hotel suite to meet one of the Mugabes' adult sons.

But South Africa's opposition is challenging the international relations minister's decision to give her immunity - a move that could in theory affect any future plans to travel to the country.

The Mugabes attended a farming fair in Harare, where Mrs Mugabe was seen smiling and talking with exhibitors. She made no public comment.

Devastated Gabriella, from Johannesburg, last week told MailOnline she was 'furious' at the thought that her attacker might never be held to account

Model Gabriella Engels alleged that Zimbabwe's first lady assaulted her in an attack which left her so badly injured she needed 14 stitches
