Imprisoned for 30 years by my father, the cult leader: Katy was brainwashed into believing her dad was God and lightning would strike her dead if she tried to flee the cult's HQ in London

Katy Morgan-Davies (pictured left and inset bottom) was raised - although imprisoned might be a better description - in a Maoist cult (inset top), and lived for an astonishing 30 years as a 'caged bird' in a commune run by a violent rapist who declared himself God. It was even her fault, she had been led to think, that the Space Shuttle Challenger had exploded on its launch in 1986. Worse, she discovered only after her release that her father was actually the cult leader Aravindan Balakrishnan (left), a man now behind bars for his crimes She was unable to cross the road or use basic appliances. That this astonishing saga unfolded in the middle of London, in a seemingly ordinary home, only adds to the sense of utter disbelief.
