Clinton brands Trump a racist AND a sexist: Donald complains about 'nasty' comments after Hillary torments him over backing for 'birther' question, discrimination and treatment of women
Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump a racist and a sexist - to his face - in brutal exchanges during the year's first presidential debate Monday night. Her charges of racism stemmed from an age-old complaint that he had supported 'birther' conspiracies questioning Barack Obama's U.S. birth and therefore his eligibility to be president. And she leveled charge after charge at the Republican in an attempt to frame him as an unrepentant chauvinist, aided by a question from moderator Lester Holt about a one-time comment that Clinton lacked 'the look' to be president. 'This is a man who has called women pigs, slobs and dogs,' Clinton said - a similar challenge to one Trump faced more than a year ago from Fox News Channel anchor Megyn Kelly at the first GOP primary debate. Monday he answered it a second time with a jab at an old entertainment nemesis. 'Somebody who's been very vicious to me, Rosie O'Donnell - I said very tough things to her,' Trump protested, 'and I think everybody would agree that she deserves it, and nobody feels sorry for her.'