Teenager who suffered a stroke while taking the Pill has a THIRD of her skull removed in order to survive

Grace Russell, now 23, from Staffordshire, was driving to the gym when the right hand side of her body became paralysed and her face was dropping. In hospital doctors said she had suffered a massive stroke due to the contraceptive pill. She was put into a medically induced coma to save her life, and surgeons removed a third of her skull to relieve bleeding on her brain. Her parents to prepare for the worst - and that even if she pulled through she would be left brain damaged for life. But she survived - and learned to walk and talk again within two months. Now, she is sharing her story to raise awareness to the dangers of the Pill and to show women a stroke can strike at any age. She said: 'I was in complete shock when doctors told me I had had a stroke, I didn't think it was something that effects young people. I had to learn to walk and talk again, I didn't even have the strength to pull myself up on my hospital bed.'
