Queen heads to parliament for State Opening where she will unveil government plans for prisons overhaul, online porn crackdown and the right to fast broadband
In the last big parliamentary set-piece before the EU referendum, the monarch will outline the key planks of the government's agenda in a ceremony steeped in pomp and tradition. The 'one nation' package would see the introduction of 'weekend' jails - with thousands of criminals freed during the week to work and keep in touch with their families. A review commissioned by Justice Secretary Michael Gove will also recommend prisoners are given iPads in their cells so they can keep in touch with children and spouses via FaceTime and Skype.The move is likely to inflame tensions with the Tory Right, with the battle over Brexit already threatening to tear the party to shreds. The PM has already come under fire for abandoning plans for a Sovereignty Bill guaranteeing parliament's supremacy over Brussels