Barack Obama arrives at Windsor Castle to meet the Queen

Barack Obama has arrived at Windsor Castle for a birthday lunch with the Queen.

The official visit to mark the monarch's 90th comes as the President makes a high-stakes visit to the UK.

A crucial intervention later will see the President join David Cameron at Downing Street to warn against Brexit.

It's led to claims of hypocrisy by Brexit campaigners including Boris Johnson, who was himself attacked for his "suggestive" article claiming the President could have a grudge against Europe because he is part-Kenyan.

But the US President and wife Michelle could relax for a few hours first while they celebrated Her Majesty's birthday with the Queen and Prince Philip.

The President and his wife arrived on the Presidential helicopter Marine One and were greeted personally by the Queen and Prince Philip.

They chatted on the castle lawn for a short while before making the quick trip to the door of the castle in the same car.

There was fevered talk over whether he and and the First Lady would give the Queen a gift - which David Cameron hasn't done yet.

Instead our Prime Minister is giving a present from the Cabinet at some point later.
