Inside the macabre Russian cold store where - for a price - you and your pet can be frozen to come back from the dead
Inside a large white hangar are two giant vats filled with the frozen brains and bodies of dozens of people from nine countries and a menagerie of pets (cats, dogs and birds). Watching over them is Danila Medvedev, a 35-year-old who believes Russia will soon outpace the U.S. in the world of anti-ageing, biomedicine and the science of living for ever. He is a founder of KrioRus, Russia's first company to specialise in cryonics - freezing bodies in the hope of one day reviving them. The business consists of a modest two-storey house and the white hangar (bottom left) in the back yard, where the company keeps its 45 cryopreserved clients. Staff are pictured, top left, working at the facility while some of the firm's equipment is pictured right.