Muslim gang slashes tyres of immigration-raid van before officers showered with eggs from high-rise

Vandalised: The post giving details and showing a photo of the vans with slashed tyres
A gang of Muslim youths launched an astonishing attack on vans being used for an immigration raid – in the week David Cameron called upon the Muslim community to ‘support the British way of life’.
In the ‘disturbing’ incident in East London last week, three vans marked ‘Immigration Enforcement’ and an unmarked silver car were badly vandalised.
More than a dozen officials arrived in Shadwell on Wednesday to round up three suspected illegal Bangladeshi immigrants from a shop. They returned to their Home Office vehicles in the next street to find the vans’ tyres had been sliced open and the paintwork scratched. The officers were then pelted with eggs before police were called.
Two days earlier, the Prime Minister made a landmark speech appealing for support from the Muslim community in the effort to combat extremism.

source mail online.
