'So what if I'm on the dole'?' Mother of ten children by FIVE fathers now wants 50 grandchildren to keep benefits rolling in

'So what if I'm on the effing dole'?' Mother of ten children by five fathers now wants 50
Mandy Cowie, 49, from Hastings is given around £20,000-a-year in state handouts and believes encouraging her own children to have babies means she will be supported for life. Ms Cowie, who has used the cash to cover herself in tattoos, has lived on benefits herself for three decades and her own children have been following the same jobless path. Ms Cowie, who has used the cash to cover herself in tattoos, has lived on benefits herself for three decades and her own children have been following the same jobless path. The mother-of-ten, who has sixteen grandchildren, has been filmed for Channel 5's Britain's Biggest Benefits Family show.
