Now that I’ve finally finished “House Of Cards” season 3, I’ve got something to say.
Well, actually, two things to say.
Thing number two: There are some striking parallels forming between Netflix’s original series “Cards” and ABC’s “Scandal,” namely that the First Lady on either program is looking to upgrade from FLOTUS to POTUS.
In the first episode of “House of Cards” season 3, Claire Underwood (played by Robin Wright), demands that her husband, President Francis Underwood, nominate her to be the United States’ Ambassador to the United Nations.
“How am I supposed to run for office at some point if I don’t have a legitimate track record?” she asks, adding that they’d “made a deal” before they ever set foot in the White House. “There’s no guarantee you’ll be elected [in 2016]. I need to be prepared if you don’t.”
This whole time I assumed that the Underwoods’ power-couple long con was to get Frank elected president. To realize that that feat might only have been step four in an even more devilishly calculated plan to get Claire into the White House basically floored me.
I would’ve uttered some kind of soft-spoken, low-key “YAS,” but I was honestly speechless.
Bellamy Young’s Mellie Grant on “Scandal” is also working to make sure her presidential aspirations become a reality once her husband, President Fitzgerald Grant, ends his second term.
During the recently aired “Lawn Chair” episode, Fitz is vetting nominees to replace Andrew Nichols as Vice President of the United States. Mellie works in concert with her husband to settle on Senator Susan Ross. Why Ross? Because, according to Mellie, she will be “completely unelectable” in the next presidential election.
“Let’s pick a VP who won’t get in your way,” Fitz agrees.
If all goes according to the Grants’ plan, Mellie will be unstoppable come 2016.
So, why do you think “House Of Cards” and “Scandal” are laying the foundation for their respective first ladies to run for president during their 2015-2016 seasons?
Three words: Hillary Rodham Clinton.
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The former Secretary of State, Senator, and, yes, First Lady of the United States will likely run for president in 2016. True, she hasn’t announced her candidacy yet, but come on — she’s obviously running.
If Clinton runs, both “House of Cards” and “Scandal” will get an added bump of relevance for their “ripped from the headlines” plot lines about a former first lady running for president.
And if Clinton does get elected a year and a half from now, “House of Cards” and “Scandal” will have a POTUS who more accurately reflects their viewers’ Commander in Chief. Both series premiered while President Barack Obama, our nation’s first black president, was in office, and yet the shows’ various executives have all been white men: Fitz, Frank, Garrett Walker.
In the case of “Scandal,” I’m sure having one of the principal cast members remain in the White House once Fitz’s term limits kick in is also a priority for the show’s writers. Let’s just hope that Mellie’s keeping her personal and professional email accounts separate.
Same goes for you, Claire.